Perhaps the greatest advantage of Pervidi software is that it completely eliminates the need for paper in the inspection process. Paper-based inspections often leads to human error, especially as checklist items can sometimes be overlooked by the inspector. In the case of a workplace accident an error-ridden inspection reports just won’t cut it. Pervidi ensures human error is eliminated from the inspection process.

Paper inspections may also require double entry as inspectors are often required to enter data from inspections into a computer. Pervidi software on the other hand sends the electronic data from the inspection straight to a database and accessible from a computer. The software allows for report generation, printing and emailing.

Most inspectors find themselves drowning in paperwork and often have complex filing systems. Pervidi software will securely store inspection data on a regularly backed-up server. The entire inspection history on any one item can be found in minutes use a search function. There’s no need for paper at all.

The other advantage of Pervidi software is the in-built camera on most mobile devices. Coupled with the pervidi software, the cameras allow inspectors to visually capture any problems while conducting a safety inspection. He can then annotate the image to highlight what it is that fails to meet a particular safety standard. Some Mobile Devices have a RFID or barcode scanner which allows inspectors to accurately identify items. This is especially useful when there are many items that need to be inspected.

Pervidi software clearly has a great deal of advantage over paper-based systems and firms requiring OH&S or other safety inspections should consider the cost and efficiency benefits of implementing an electronic system.